Hot Water Rebates for Hot Water Heat Pumps
Small-scale Technology Certificates (formally known as Renewable Energy Certificates)
The purchase and installation of an approved Hot Water Heat Pump System may entitle you to Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) if your system is eligible under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.
STCs are sold and transferred to liable entities (usually electricity retailers) through a market based online system called the REC Registry, or via the ORER managed STC Clearing House.
A Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC) is the equivalent of one megawatt hour of renewable energy generation. The Sanden "Eco" Hot Water Heat Pump System attracts a large number of STCs, which can be traded for a cash rebate. Eligible households can claim both Federal and State rebates.
We'll advise on which rebates may apply when we quote your Heat Pump install, as the scheme is constantly evolving.
For more information visit
The purchase and installation of an approved Hot Water Heat Pump System may entitle you to Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) if your system is eligible under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.
STCs are sold and transferred to liable entities (usually electricity retailers) through a market based online system called the REC Registry, or via the ORER managed STC Clearing House.
A Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC) is the equivalent of one megawatt hour of renewable energy generation. The Sanden "Eco" Hot Water Heat Pump System attracts a large number of STCs, which can be traded for a cash rebate. Eligible households can claim both Federal and State rebates.
We'll advise on which rebates may apply when we quote your Heat Pump install, as the scheme is constantly evolving.
For more information visit